Seriana Edilizia
stretta di mano tra due imprenditori

The Italian companies that have chosen to undertake a seismic redevelopment process.

We have successfully intervened to make over 1000 buildings earthquake-proof, about 2,300,000 square meters, by designing over 14000 different anti-seismic elements capable of bypassing existing systems without interfering with company life.
Our aim is to make every concrete building built before 2008 anti-seismic, so that companies and workers can carry out their own activities and tasks with maximum safety and serenity.

Anti-seismic retrofit

“The only system is prevention”. Seriana S.p.A., national leader in the anti-seismic sector, offers ad hoc solutions for its customers, guaranteeing professionalism, ingenuity and maximum safety for improvement and anti-seismic adaptation interventions.

Discover our method for the anti-seismic retrofit