July 16, 2021
Sisma bonus scheme and seismic risk areas
L’Italia è un Paese con una considerevole attività sismica. Dal 2003 il territorio è stato suddiviso in zone sismiche in base al rispettivo rischio sismico. Obiettivo: interventi di miglioramento per prevenire i danni.

Sisma bonus is an important tax break scheme for upgrading Italy’s building stock. In our earlier news article “Why take advantage of the sisma bonus 2022 scheme“, we illustrated the numerous advantages that come with the tax break scheme for upgrading the country’s building stock. Can all companies around Italy take advantage of the scheme, regardless of their type, business and assets?
What companies can take advantage of the Sisma bonus scheme?
There are two essential conditions that companies must meet in order to be able to take advantage of the Sisma Bonus scheme, namely they must have a contract entitling them to use of the building and they must be located in an area classed as 1, 2 or 3.
What sets these areas apart?
Italy’s classification system: Italy experiences considerable seismic activity, with more than 190,000 seismic events recorded by the national seismic network over the last 30 years alone. In 2003, the Italian government decided to divide the country into 4 zones based on seismic risk (with no. 1 indicating the highest risk and no. 4 the lowest), thus allowing businesses located in areas 1, 2 and 3 to improve the structural condition of their buildings with the tax break in question, in order to make Italy even safer.
Seismic risk areas
Below is a table showing the various areas and the regions that fall into that category. It is worth noting that there is a chance that the classification of certain regions may change over the years as a result of seismic events.
Zone 1 (high seismic risk)
- Friuli Venezia Giulia
- Veneto
- Abruzzi
- Umbria
- Molise
- Campania
- Sicily
Zone 2 (medium-to-high seismic risk)
- Emilia Romagna
- Lazio
- Marches
- Apulia
- Basilicata
Zone 3 (medium-to-low seismic risk)
- Lombardy
- Tuscany
- Liguria
- Piedmont
Zone 4 (low seismic risk)
- Sardinia
- Trentino Alto Adige
- Aosta Valley